‘Yes, my soul, find rest in God; my hope comes from him.’ Psalm 62:5
How can you find emotional rest? Even if we appear to be as cool as a cucumber on the outside, we are most likely an emotional mess on the inside. Things come to us in all sides: kids, jobs, spouses, society, the state of the world itself. There seems to be no relief in sight. How can one possibly find emotional rest with all these blitz?
If you try finding rest, you will not be successful. It is not something that can be ‘found’. It must be accepted. Our God offers His rest to us. It is for us to take. Even when the world is falling apart around us, we can reside in His perfect peace. It is a choice we make, despite what our feelings are telling us.
Just as we think we’ve found peace and rest, the enemy is prowling around, trying his best to get a foothold in our mind. That is why we must put on our armor everyday and make our choice to rest in Him no matter what. Give that devil the fight he’s looking for! We’ve got to spend time in the Word, seek His direction for our lives, be with other believers–fill your mind with ’Kingdom thoughts’ and not worldly ones. Emotional rest is not something we can have with our own power. But if we access the power that we have in Him, we can find this elusive place and rest…