Another day for a patient like me. February 17,2017 my consultation to my endocronologist doctor. My favorite doctor so far. Hahaha
It's just another day for all the patient's patiently waiting for their turn.
The nurses are busy calling all the names "who will see Dr blahblah and blah blah." And here comes other patient who will interrupt them on their present situation. Funny if you are working in the same field you will just smile on their attitude. The way they handle the situation. The way they treated us. The way they deal with us? Their way, they action, their face lol and they attitude. I am like? What? They should treat us with TLC (Tender Loving Care). But where is the oath that we did after graduation? Here in this place we don't expect too much. Or else you will either hate them or you will just don't go to your scheduled consultations. Hahaha. 😂🤣
But Nurses rock. I love them coz i am also one of them but i am always praying to God not to be like them. I love my patient and i love my job as a nurse. ❤❤
They called to line up and they called my name, my turn??? wow that's fast nah the nurse will just took blood pressure coz it's complusary to my doctor. It's a "must". Taking blood pressure for all of us.
Returning again to my seat. Behind me was a woman who is playing games on her phone, hahaha. She keeps on complaining coz she lost the level 1.😂 in front of me is granny who is sitting on wheelchair,(what a pity) at my right side, a portuguese lady who is so mean with all the other patients. (That's more pity) Hahaha. And me doing this note. Hahaha. All of us are busy except for the granny who can't even do the normal things we can do. He is just there sitting on wheelchair with nasogastric tube. He is just there patiently waiting for his turn.
Looking at him i reflected on my life. So am i going to complain with my life at the moment?? Am i going to ask God to finish my life due to the present condition of my health? Will i complain more? Or will i thank God for everything that He will do? Or will i praise God for what He did for me 2000 years ago. Even the leprosy got healed, the blind see, the deaf hear and the lame walk coz they believed, they trust and the have that audacious faith.
The answer is YES.
Being a patient who patiently waiting for his/her turn is quite challenging but as we wait patiently there is a reward on our behalf.
Patiently waiting for my turn...patiently waiting for God to fullfill HIS promised that He will do miracles and wonders as i continue to trust HIM and have this audacious faith in HIM.
Be still and know that I am GOD.