23 November 2018
Our story may not be as dramatic as others, but everyone has a story. Each person’s testimony is uniquely significant – however big, small, dramatic or undramatic it may be. There is power in our personal story. Our story is a powerful testimony. Our story has the power to convince and convert. Our words brings great blessing to others.
There are all kinds of situations in which we can share our story with others, from a night out with friends to small talks in the church. Whatever the situation, there is something very powerful about a person telling their story truthfully, honestly and from the heart. We should tell our story authentically.
If we are a Christian today, we have a testimony. Whether we were brought up as a Christian or whether we have only been a Christian for a few hours, our story is powerful. Our words are powerful. Use them carefully.
This is the power of the testimony. It is an almost unanswerable way of dealing with objections: ‘Before I was like this… and now I am like this… This is the difference that Jesus has made to my life.’
Telling our story is still one of the keys to communicate our faith in the modern world. We should tell our story persistently.
The God of the universe and of history is also the God of all the little details in our life. He is not just almighty and powerful, but he is also our Father who is intimately concern with us. Our life and all the details matter to God. Our life counts.
We should tell our story humbly. We all have a past. No matter how bad our past is, we can get past our past. God can give us a new beginning; he can use us greatly and give us a future.
Lord, thank you that we have the most powerful words in the world – the message of Jesus and the kingdom of God. Help us to ensure that as many people as possible hear about Jesus. Help us to find the right words to explain, declare and convince others, so that ‘they might see with their eyes, hear with their ears, understand with their hearts and turn’, and be healed. Amen