I've been on this outfit selection nowadays. My very close friend is helping me to choose on how and what i will wear. She sends me a lot of cool pictures and encouraging me to follow the color combinations on that pictures. She is my encourager. She is my fashion consultant. 😀😃 She always build my confidence regarding on this outfit journey.
At first i really don't like it because i like the way i am now wearing simple t-shirt and shorts and "just be simple". But as the days go by, i really used to wear this cool stuff. It makes me feel good 😊. To choose carefully what i will wear and how i will match the outfit of the day or the "OOTD" excites me a lot. lol 😂🤣
Now assuming that we have important meeting to attend that will showcase everything about us including: our attributes, values and beliefs. Aware of the significance of this meeting we understand that we must carefully select an outfit that matches what will be displayed about us. This outfit selection will either positively or negatively magnify to individuals how we view ourself and how we allow others to view us. On the way out of the door we take a glance in the mirror and conclude that we’ve made an exceptional outfit choice that illustrates how we want to be viewed.
Just as we take time to carefully choose the clothes we wear to represent our personality and unique style, selecting individuals we develop relational bonds with also illustrates who we are and what we represent. When people see our friends do they match our attributes, values and beliefs?
According to GOD we are commanded to choose friendships carefully. All friendships are to be centered in Christ and include the qualities of: love, respect, honesty, support, encouragement, and accountability just to name a few. Friends DO NOT hate, demean, destroy and stifle one’s spiritual, physical, educational, social or mental growth, are jealous, or self-centered. Although friendships take time and commitment to develop, relationships are to reflect God’s glory and our identity in Christ. When individuals see us with our friends, do our friends reflect who we are in Christ?
Remember whatever we do, choose our friends carefully. Also examine what kind of friend we are called to be. Remember people are discerning whether to choose us as a friend as well. Don’t be discouraged if some will have to walk away from us, just remember Jesus Christ is not only our Savior and redeemer he is our very best friend! Spending quality time in prayer, asking GOD for wisdom, and following the promptings and revealed knowledge by and through the Holy Spirit we will help us to established a certain friendships.
A wise friend is one who holds you accountable with GOD’s commands and Jesus’ example of love. A wise friend will rebuke your wrong to get you back on the righteous path and in the end you will appreciate them. But a foolish friend will do the exact opposite, friends who intentionally rebuke wisdom will encourage you to do things that go against God’s word and Jesus’ example for your life. They are headed towards a danger zone and if you remain in association with the wrong friends you will not be far behind them.
True friendship comes with great responsibility. In order to fulfill our responsibility of accountability love is a vital aspect of forming wise bonds. To love our friend means to enjoy the great times and to effectively communicate during the challenging times. There will be times during a friendship when correction is paramount for progression and success. Correction is not always a pleasant experience, but friends who love one another will do what is in the best interest of the other as they honor God in their actions. Friendships are comprised of love, honesty and trust, true friends embody these characteristics daily.
“The righteous choose their friends carefully, but the way of the wicked leads them astray.”
Proverbs 12:26 NIV
“One who has unreliable friends soon comes to ruin, but there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother.”
Proverbs 18:24 NIV