The ultimate measure of a person is not where they stand in moments of convenience, but where they stand in moments of challenge, moments of great crisis and controversy.’
Doing what is right in difficult situations in the workplace is a huge challenge. There are right and wrong choices… all the invented terms such as “inappropriate” and “counterproductive” are efforts to avoid the simple ethical fact that there is a right and wrong course of action.’
Of course, none of us get it right all the time. We all make mistakes. We only grow in wisdom if we learn from our mistakes.
Paul writes to the Thessalonians, ‘Never tire of doing what is right’ (2 Thessalonians 3:13). Jesus did not go for the easy or popular solution, but he always did the right thing.
Doing what is right means getting rid of everything that is not right in our lives.
1. Act with humility
We do not need to push ourself forward. The right thing to do is to act with humility: ‘Don’t work ourself into the spotlight; don’t push our way into the place of prominence. This is exactly the point that Jesus expounded in one of his parables (Luke 14:8–11).
2. Always assume the best
‘Don’t jump to conclusions – there may be a perfectly good explanation for what we just saw’ (Proverbs 25:8, MSG).
3. Never betray a confidence
Do the right thing in relation to our neighbour. We should not go hastily to court. If we do end up in court, always do and say the right thing.
We are to exercise discipline. If people are not doing the right thing they should not be regarded as enemies but warned as brothers and sisters. God calls us to do the right thing even when it’s not easy. Doing what is right does not necessarily lead to an easy life.