Google Meet
22 March 2021
Our relationships are hugely important for our health and wellbeing. This includes relationships with a partner, or it could be friendships and relationships with our parents, siblings and wider family or colleagues. Having healthy social relationships can benefit us in many ways such as reducing our stress levels, fostering a sense of purpose and enhancing feelings of self-worth. We can therefore acknowledge the necessity to build and maintain meaningful and trusting relationships in our life.
However, the Covid-19 outbreak has dramatically changed our lives, including our relationships with other people in our families, homes, communities and workplaces. We are currently faced with a challenging situation where we have to stay away from people we care about. This can be difficult to cope with and may take us both emotionally and practically.At a time when we all experience uncertainty and worries about the coronavirus outbreak, changes in our relationships are probably all the harder to cope with. In order to come through this, we all need to keep caring for ourselves and for each other, building on what has brought us together and drawing on the unique strengths of our relationships.
In connection with this we look for the acronym
L. O. V. E.
Intentionally carve out time for yourself. Schedule self-care. Have a moment for ourselves. Having a daily dose of exercises, like walking, enjoy nature etc etc. A daily routine may help us to feel more in control.This could be as simple as spending time and engaging to an individual. Enjoy our passion, may it be a hobby or something that we are good at. Connect with God. Have a quiet time. Some people called this “ME TIME” i call this “MY TIME with GOD”
Expect that conflict will happen. As long as everyone approaches the conflict with mutual respect, it can be a good opportunity to better understand what the people around us. Always remember that everyone is affected by this pandemic. Understand each other. Try to approach conflict with the attitude that you are working with the other person toward a solution, rather than against each other. We need to recognize unhealthy relationships recognising this can help us to move forward and find solutions. Some of us are irritated with one another. Getting pissed of and annoyed. Remember nobody’s perfect. We all have flaws . Sharing feelings without fear of being criticised or told off can help us calmer and closer to each other. Always remember that everyone is affected by this pandemic. Understand each other . We all face this pandemic. We all have flaws. We are not perfect. We don’t live in a perfect world.
Have we heard “open rebuke is better than hidden love? We need to face the problem rather than being pissed off with one another especially this time, we all need encouragement.
Communicate in-person and virtually. Give time to connect with your friends. Don’t disconnect yourself to people instead always stay connected. Use phones, computers and post to stay in touch. Talking with the people you’re with about your own stress levels and coping styles can help set expectations and alleviate conflict. Also, try to make time to talk virtually with friends or loved ones who aren’t physically with you. Don’t let distance hinder you from staying connected with colleagues, friends, church community (if you are involve)
But if you are together don’t be distracted by your fone. Always pay attention to other people in your life. Be present.
Find time to celebrate the people you’re with in big and small ways. Whether that means planning a virtual birthday party, asking interested questions about their new hobby or thanking them for doing the dishes or doing the stuff, helping each other feel supported and celebrated goes a long way.
How are you is very important on this pandemic. Depression and suicidal tendency are very high.
Empathy is the ability to understand and share the feelings of another. Ability to relate to another person’s pain, as if one has experienced that pain themselves. We will put ourselves on their situation.
Have empathy. Remember that everyone experiences stress differently. We’re all coping in different ways, and no one way is right or wrong, as long as it is respectful of other people’s needs and feelings.
There are 3 types of empathy
1. Cognitive. Simply knowing how the person feels.
2. Emotional. You get the feeling of their emotion. Meaning you understand and feel what their are going through.
3. Compassionate. We not only understand and feel them but we are moved to help them if needed.
We have to value the relationship that we have around usWe have to invest on things that is eternal not on things that are temporary We need to learn how to forgive and call upon the grace of GodThis will only happen if we have personal relationships with God
I want to share this 4 symbols
But we fall short. We are all sinners and prone to sinning.
Because of God’s immeasurable love to us, He gave His one and only begotten Son that whoever believes in Him will not perish but have eternal life
It’s up to us. If we will accept this challenge and receive Jesus as our Lord and personal Savior. Allowing Him to take full control of our lives.
If you want to accept Jesus as your Lord and personal Saviour. Pray this prayer.