The world is looking for a saviour especially on this Coronavirus outbreak.
What is Coronavirus or they call it COVID-19 virus 🦠
Coronaviruses (CoV) are a large family of viruses that cause illness ranging from the common cold to more severe diseases such as Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS-CoV) and Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS-CoV). A novel coronavirus (nCoV) is a new strain that has not been previously identified in humans. (WHO)

It’s deadly. It’s pandemic….Every nation or country are being infected on this virus. They are all hysterical on this health issue. Can they survive on this virus. Is there any cure? Any vaccines 💉? A lot or questions…worries…anxieties..and many more….who will save us???
Even all the schools are being postponed on reopening after Chinese New Year 🧧 break due to this virus 🦠. Students, especially in Macau 🇲🇴, Hong Kong 🇭🇰, and China, 🇨🇳 are forced to do homeschooling. For other students it’s boring, for others it’s fine, for others it’s kinda awesome coz they can study and do their assignments wearing their pajamas 😂🤣 and others can just do copy and paste especially it’s all computer-generated.
We are currently living in Macau 🇲🇴. I am a nurse in one of the government hospital here. And i saw how the government of Macau is trying hard to deal with this global virus and in fairness to our government. The 2 weeks shutdown of all government offices, banks 🏦 and casinos 🎰 , and even schools 🏫 but not hospital 🏥 hahaha. We are open 24/7 🤣😂Hospital is the only Department that is open during this seasons and supermarkets. People are forced to stay at home and the government advised us to avoid going to a large crowds. Praise God it helped a lot to minimized the spread of virus. All the precautionary measures that they implement even though some people had a difficulty to follow was very effective. The “Wash hands 🖐 frequently, Use mask properly (In bus,hospital and whenever we are going out), Have temperature check everyday, Avoid large crowds and Never touch your face with unclean hands.

What I learned on this outbreak. I learned to confidently trust God and acknowledge the Sovereignty of our Saviour
‘Lecrae’ (Moore), is a rapper, entrepreneur, record-producer and actor and my eldest son’s favorite rapper. He speaks for many of us when he says, ‘I’m not a Christian because I’m strong and have it all together. I’m a Christian because I’m weak and admit I need a savior.’
We call out to God our Saviour
At any time, we can call out to God for help.
Life is a battle. We fight against coronavirus. We are all afraid of what will happen around us but God wants to reassure us that HE will save us. When we are under attack it is easy to feel that it must be our fault. Sometimes we may face opposition not because we are doing something wrong but because we are doing something right.
In times like this let us look and worship JESUS as our Saviour. For HE is the SAVIOUR of the world 🌍